Cultural Center “FLISVOS”
POSEIDONOS AVE., tel. 210-9813274
The historic scheduled building of Flisvos became property of the Palaio Faliro Municipality in September 2005, following a decision of the State Council.
Specifically, the State Council/Dept E’, with the decision no 2096/2005, rejected an appeal from an individual in the restaurant business who requested the dismissal of the decision, taken by the Municipality Board, for the expropriation of this historic building. As a result the expropriation was legalized.
It is worth mentioning that the relative decision points out that “Flisvos is a symbol and landmark for Palaio Faliro and is characterized as a monument belonging to the area’s historic and cultural heritage”
Since then the building has become the focal point for the city’s social and cultural life and has accommodated a variety of cultural, entertaining and educational activities. Because of its position, there are many requests from artists, scientists, groups and clubs to use Flisvos in order to present their work to the public.
This is a small photographic tour of Flisvos
Here is a small photo tour
at the Cultural Center “FLISVOS”
Ground Floor
Ladder to the top floor
The upper floor
From the balcony to the playground
Flisvos – beach view
Seafront view from Flisvos